Academic year 2022/2023 - Cycle XXXVIII

During the three years of the PhD Programme, the student starts and carries on the research project for the thesis and attends courses with exams for 24 cfu total, for at least 4 courses on different topics.


The education provided in the PhD Programme is broad and the courses are delivered by international experts, from Italy and abroad.

The updated list of the courses is online: link.


Students can also attend other relevant courses offered for the Master Degrees, either at Università di Firenze and or at Università di Perugia, or at other Universities and Schools. 


The teaching training is complemented by the Seminars organized by the PhD Programme, by the scientific Seminars organized by the research groups at each Department (LINKs), and by the Soft and Complementary Skills courses organized by UniFi and UniPg. (LINKs)



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