Teaching Educational activities
Educational activities
The PhD program in Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics has the double aim of helping PhD students to broaden and deepen their scientific culture and, mainly, of introducing them to leading themes of current scientific research through the preparation and defense of a PhD dissertation. The goal of this program is to form researchers having both a deep knowledge of the theoretical aspects of their disciplines and, at the same time, a good taste for applications and technological aspects. This may facilitate their enrolment in Universities and Public Research Institutions, as well as in Industries (which nowadays must face frequent technological changes) and in the Public Administration or in the quaternary service sector. The graduate students are required both to attend lectures and pass exams in the first semesters of the course, and to participate in the seminar activities of the various disciplinary areas. The research work, aimed at preparing the doctoral thesis, begins already in the first year, and continues until the end of the third year, which can be completely devoted to the preparation of the dissertation.
Further details on the inner educational offer can be found here below. For the Curriculum in Mathematics, see also the summer school offer of
C.I.M.E. (Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo) and
SMI (Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria).
Active doctoral cycles: