Seminario di Matematica del Dottorato

The next meeting for Seminario di Matematica del Dottorato will be on Wednesday February 01st, at 14:30, in Aula Tricerri. The speaker will be Carolina Vallejo Rodríguez (Università di Firenze) on "Finite Group Representation Theory: The Global-Local Principle".

Seminario di Matematica del Dottorato

Wednesday, February 01st, 2023, 14:30-15:30
Aula Tricerri

Relatore: Carolina Vallejo Rodríguez (Università di Firenze)

Titolo: Finite Group Representation Theory: The Global-Local Principle

Groups are the mathematical object formally describing our intuitive idea of symmetry. For this reason "wherever groups disclose themselves or can be introduced, simplicity crystallizes out of comparative chaos". But how do we study groups? We can focus on their inherent combinatorics or look at their images into groups of matrices. This latter point of view is known as group representation theory. In this seminar I will discuss some important open problems in group representation theory.  I will also discuss the global-local principle by focusing on two of the main global-local conjectures in the area. 


(Credits. Immagine di copertina di Eleonora Marra.)

09 Gennaio 2023 (Archiviata)



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